So each one of the following things is supposed to suck for one some reason.
Here's Why. ( Some commentary has been added to relate my personal experiences)
The republican elephant sucks. - Because they are fat and greedy, the elephant is a terrible symbol of one of one of our nations leading political parties
Barack Obama sucks. - One word, Obamacare.
Harry Potter sucks. - Everyone knows that Twilight is better. (That was an attempt at sarcasm) Harry Potter is a story where everything turns out happy for the main characters in the end.
Apple sucks. - Many of their products are designed to break after a fixed period of time. ( I have to get a new ipod classic every 2 1/2 years)
Star Wars sucks. - While the ORIGINAL trilogy amazing, the constant 'updates' made to them by George Lucas and the existence of the prequels (read episode I) have completely tarnished the brand beyond recovery
Facebook sucks. - Go talk to your friends in real life. AND stop inviting me to play ridiculous games like Farmville.
McDonald's sucks. - McDonald's is unhealthy, unappetizing fast food (except their fries) that makes people fat.
Clemson University sucks. - The university is over 100 years old and still has a pet rock.
Lady Gaga sucks. - She is just trying to be the next Madonna. (Who also sucks)
Justin Bieber sucks. - He is "man" with a ladies perfume line.
Sudoku sucks. - There are so many tiny numbers.
Avatar sucks. - Avatar is just Pocahontas with Blue animals. (The protagonist is also a furry)
Xbox 360 sucks. - Playstation is better in every way. (I just rediscovered Final Fantasy VII this week)
American Idol sucks. - No artists coming off of winning the show continued on to lead successful singing a a careers.
Glee sucks. - Glee has ruined many classic songs.
Smoking sucks. - There are very few benefits to smoking other than lowering your risk of needing knee replacement surgery apparently.
German guns suck. - They helped arm the Nazis in World War II.
Abortion sucks. - It's murder.
*The fact that children are magically being turned into dogs on the street sucks.
- Peoples loved ones are being turned into filthy animals. (This happened to my cousin and we had to put her down)a a a
But seriously, Clothes on dogs suck. - It is degrading and serves no purpose to most non hairless dogs.
(Exceptions are booties and doggles which have real world uses.)

Doggles are awesome! I'd never heard of them before.