Crocodiles are majestic, powerful, and amazing creatures. These living dinosaurs live at the top of the food chain. A crocodile's hide is made of a thick armor on its back that protects it from danger and the leather of the crocodiles belly is greatly desired by consumers for its exotic qualities. the powerful arms of the crocodile help it to spring out of the water to catch its prey. The crocodile's bite is the strongest bite in the world; it is 12 times stronger than that of a great white shark! The combination of these factors makes the crocodile the apex predator in its natural environment. Without having to fear being hunted by something bigger, the crocodile can enjoy the ability to quietly wait in one location for extended periods of time while waiting for the crocodiles prey to come to it. This waiting makes the crocodile an extremely efficient animal because it only moves when it needs to. By existing for nearly 55 million years, the crocodile proves to be truly the ultimate predator. This living dinosaur deserves to be both admired and feared by all who cross its path.
Crocodiles are ridiculous looking, silly, and lame creatures. The crocodile is an animal that is truly stuck in the stone age. Its short, stubby legs are as useless as they are silly. Most crocodiles actually move in a serpentine like motion when out of the water instead of walking like a normal animal. The crocodiles eyes are bulbous and grotesque looking as well. Crocodiles suffer from terribly protruding teeth on their long snouts. While a crocodiles bite is strong, a baby could hold its mouth closed. The crocodile is also very self-entitled and lazy. Most crocodiles spend their days basking in the sun, and when they are hungry they lay in the water expecting their food to come to them instead of actively pursuing their prey. In conclusion the crocodile's time is up and it needs to learn to work with the fast paced world or it's going to be left with the rest of its dinosaur buddies.
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